"Every action doesn't need a reaction"

Have you ever found yourself writing an angry email and the moment you hit "send" you felt as if you woke up from a bad dream, but too late? 🥵🤕

In these days of the pandemic I feel we are in many ways reaching a threshold of willpower. We are tired of restrictions and limiting our lives, our bodys are exhausted from all the uncertainty in life/business/friends/family/health etc. 😌

So...what I like to point to here is that we need a inner shift, so our moods and mental health can sustain and maybe even thrive.💚

This is the time to really understand that we are thinkers. We constantly feel our thinking from the inside 👉🏽out every moment of the day, and therefore also have the power to shift our internal lives.

This is the time to remember that we are creative, that every thought is in fact creative even though it is a negative thought. It is "created" in our minds. 🎨

Knowing this helps me see the innocence and "neutrality" of thought and also makes it easier for me to accept negative thinking in the moment WITHOUGHT acting on it because I know that in any moment a new thought will arrive and most time my inner resilience will gravitate me back in balance. ⚖️